Monday, May 14, 2012

My Top Ten Fictional Crushes

This is a freebie week on the Broke and the Bookish’s Top Ten Tuesday meme. Since I’ve only been doing the posts for a few weeks, I decided to go back and choose one of the older topics. My selection is Fictional Crushes. Although I’m happily married, I can’t help, but swoon a little over these characters from my favorite books:

Ian O'Shea from the Host by Stephenie Meyer-I have such a huge literary crush on Ian. Black hair, sapphire eyes and such a sensitive side (his profession that he would love Wanderer no matter what body she was in had me in tears).

Eric Northman from the Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris-Ok, I'll admit this crush may be tied to Alexander Skarsgard from True Blood, but I do tend to be drawn to characters who aren’t the cookie cutter boy next door types. A bad boy vampire who would kill for you and who’s over six feet and blond, definitely swoonworthy.

Henry from the Goddess Test by Aimee Carter-Not only is he a gorgeous and powerful god, but he’s guarded and mysterious. I think his aloofness seems to be a big draw for me. Who wouldn't want to be the girl who he fell in love with after knowing how heartbroken he was for hundreds and hundreds of years after Persephone left him for Adonis?

Peeta Mellark and Gale Hawthorne from the Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins-I can honestly empathize with Katniss. How do you choose from these two heartbreakers? Gale is strong and knows her better than anyone. Peeta is the boy who’s loved her from afar (sigh).

Gage Oliver from the Celestra Series by Addison Moore-This wonderful series focuses a lot on Skyla’s choice between cousins (sort-of) Logan and Gage. Gage is tall, dark and sexy and tough with a sensitive side (he writes Skyla poetry). Logan’s never done it for me and I would have to pick Marshall as her second choice if she doesn’t end up with Gage.

Joe Morelli from the Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich-Not only are these books awesome because they are set in my neighboring city of Trenton, but they feature one of my favorite cop characters of all time: Joe Morelli. He’s funny, loyal and sexy­-could he be any more perfect?

Damon Salvatore from the Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith-I guess I have a thing for damaged and dangerous vampires. It also doesn’t hurt that Ian Somerhalder plays the TV version of the character.

Leon Grey from Birthmarked by Caragh O’Brien-Leon was so perfect in this awesome series from O’Brien. He comes off as arrogant at times, but his many sacrifices for Gaia as well as his strength make him one of my top crushes.

Chaz Pendergast from the Queen of Babble Series by Meg Cabot-I had a tough time selecting my last pick (couldn’t decide if I wanted to include those Twilight boys or not), but my brain kept returning to Chaz. Cabot makes Chaz seem so “real,” it makes you understand Lizzie’s attraction to him. He’s funny, down-to-earth and romantic without the sappiness.


  1. Ian O'Shea was a great character :D

  2. What an awesome idea for a post. I'm probably going to spend all day wondering who mine are now :)

  3. He really is! I just hope the film version does him justice.

  4. It was hard to narrow down to only 10!

  5. There's gonna be a film!?!? How did I not hear about this!? :D Who's playing Mel/Wanda!?

  6. It's going to be Saorsie Ronan, she was in the Lovely Bones. I don't recognize the guys who are playing Jared and Ian.

  7. Ooh, I love her! She's a brilliant actress :D

  8. Mmmm. Joe Morelli. But Ranger is equally yummy in my head. Great list.

  9. Great article!
    Hope you enjoy this one:

  10. Me too! I can't wait for the next book for more Henry =)
