Thursday, May 10, 2012

What I'm Reading Right Now

Quite a hectic week at the Wood household. I've just got hired for a slew of freelance writing projects and I've been working like crazy on marketing the book. As a new author I'm sure that I'm spending way too much time on marketing, but I'm trying to read as many resources as possible to figure out what approaches work best. Anyway, it's amazing that I had enough energy, but I've been able to fit in some late night reading. My recent reads include:

Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin-Do you ever start reading a book and think you're going to hate it and end up loving it? This was the case with Griffin's novel. I just couldn't initially connect with Araby and only really picked up the book because Poe's short story is one of my all-time favorites. I am so glad I stuck it out. It was really a page turner that kept me up late to finish it. I love the dark and deadly world Griffin created and none of the characters were clearly good or bad. Ending was a great cliffhanger and I can't wait to see what happens!

Across the Universe by Beth Revis-This is one of those book that are pretty polarizing: people either love it or hate it. I'm only about three chapters in, but seems pretty cool. The beginning scene was pretty intense and definitely creeped me out. I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint since I see there's a sequel available.

Awake: A Fairytale by Jessica Grey-I downloaded this as a loan because apparently I received a free one month Amazon Prime membership when I bought my Kindle Fire. The unfortunate thing was that I realized this after only a week was left of the trial. Anywho, I picked this one out since the sample seemed kind of interesting and it's been promoted as a modern twist on Sleeping Beauty. Although the beginning is a little slow-going, I'm definitely curious to see where it goes . The MC (Alex) is very relateable and I like that she's not a cookie cutter protagonist.

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