Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Teaser Tuesday: Second Sight Book Three

Here's a sneak peek of a scene from the third book in the Second Sight series. The set-up for the scene is that Kate is on her way to Maine with Jared for Thanksgiving with his Aunt Lizzie. Kate is hoping she'll win Jared back during the trip while also dealing with the possibility of someone wanting to kill her. Keep in mind that the scene hasn't yet been edited ;)

Kate cleared her throat. “Jared, do you think you could teach me how to fight?”
“Why? Were you watching Million Dollar Baby on cable again?”
“No. If I’m going to throw myself in the middle of these investigations, I probably should learn how to protect myself. When they make a movie about my life one day, I don’t want to be portrayed as one of the too stupid to live girls.”
“Too stupid to live girls?”
“Yeah, you know…the ones with big boobs that end up investigating a chain saw sound in the basement and end up hacked to pieces within the first five minutes of the movie,” she elaborated. Jared’s eyes roamed to her chest. She socked him in the arm. “I will hurt you if you make a joke about my boobs.”
“Hey, I didn’t say a word. I’ve always liked your boobs.”
“Anyway,” she said pointedly trying to ignore the heat that flooded her face, “I want to be the girl who survives to the end because she fights back.”
“Of course, I’ll teach you how to fight, Kate. We’re staying until Sunday so we’ll spar in between our runs.”
“Our runs?” she gulped.
“I run every morning. I figured you’d join me,” he said with a shrug.
Oh lordy, toughening up was going to be a lot of work, she realized. “Alright, I’m in. I think I packed a pair of sweats and sneakers.”
“Wow, did you get hit on the head? I’ve never thought I would see the day I could get you to workout with me.”
“Well, you know what they say…evolve or die.”


  1. Ooo I'm definitely excited for book 3! Thanks for sharing the excerpt :)

  2. OMG I do so hope they get back together!! :) I can't wait to read it. WRITE ON!
