Thursday, October 18, 2012

Feature and Follow Friday #10

Happy Friday all! Enjoy your weekend =)


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Q: When you step out of your USUAL genre what do you like to read? Best books in that genre?

I read mostly YA and paranormal romance, but once in awhile I love to dive into a good historical romance. A few favorite authors from that genre include Catherine Coulter and Jude Devereaux. And I recently went through a major Philippa Gregory phase.


  1. As long as there is romance I would definitely read it :D
    Check out MY FF

  2. Pretty much all my reads have paranormal elements in them! Be they straight up paranormal reads or dystopian with paranormal elements or steampunk with paranormal elements! I gotta have me paranormal. Although Maria Snyder's book are about magic which I loosely thread back to paranormal!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I've been wanting to get into reading historical fiction, so I guess I'll start with those authors :)

    Here's my FF

    New follower

  4. I love historical fiction (not so much the romance but the eras). I may try a historical romance. I always learn so much!! Great list. WRITE ON!

  5. Great Pick!

  6. Hello! At times I really enjoy a good historical fiction, especially when spiced up with a bit of romance. Regency is nice as well ^^ A new follower!

    Here's my FF

  7. I used to read historical romance a lot, but have drifted away the last few years. Have you read any Julia Quinn or Julie Garwood? I really like thier historical romances.

    Here's my FF

  8. I don't really read any historical romance! I've picked up a few with other elements (paranormal, mostly) and have enjoyed them. I'll have to check out these!

  9. Hopping through. I've only read one of Gregory's books but I really enjoyed it.
    My Hop

  10. I'm honestly not a fan of historical romances... I guess adult fiction would be where I got the most out of my usual genre...

    Murphy's Library
