Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top Ten Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With For 24 Hours

It's a tough one this week on the Broke and the Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday meme. The question is which characters you would want to switch places with for a day. Most of the books I read there would be no way in hell I'd want to be in any of the characters' shoes. Fall in love with a vampire? No thank you. Fight to the death in a nationally televised tournament? Think I will pass if that's all the same to you. And if I see the name Anastasia Steele on anyone's list, I'm going to ask that you get a referral to a psychiatrist. Anyway, here's what I came up with:

Jesse from The Real Real by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus
I'm sort of a reality show junkie and think it would be fun to see what it's like to star on one.

Heaven from Stupid and Contagious by Caprice Crane
I always love books where the character works in PR, it always sounds like a fun job to me. Plus, Heaven seems to have no sense of personal boundaries which would certainly make it an interesting 24 hours.

Lizzie from the Queen of Babble Series by Meg Cabot
Lizzie's life always seems pretty spectacular to me. She had a rich French boyfriend and then later fell in love with the boy next door. She has plenty of gumption and always lands on her feet no matter what obstacles are thrown her way.  

Becky Bloomwood from the Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella
I would love to be Becky for a day, just to have her credit card limit and spend exorbitant amounts of money on clothes without guilt.

Mia from the Princess Diaries Series by Meg Cabot
Since I grew up dirt poor, it always seemed sort of awesome to find out one day that you're a princess of some random country in Europe.

America from the Selection by Keira Cass
For this 24 hours, it would definitely have to be during the time when the palace isn't under attack. But I wouldn't mind experiencing the opulence of the palace, gorgeous clothing and a romantic prince for a day.

Cassie from the Secret Circle series by LJ Smith
Being a witch seems kind of wild and I wouldn't mind trying out some cool spells for a day.

Lucy from Good Luck by Whitney Gaskell
Yes, Lucy has her share of problems. But she wins the lottery and becomes an instant millionaire, how amazing is that?

Lola from Easily Amused by Karen McQuestion
Her neighbors sound awesome! Most of my neighbors I wouldn't want to meet alone in a dark alley, so she'd be someone I would trade places with for a day.

Kaitlyn from the Dark Visions Series by LJ Smith
I have a strong interest in psychics (pretty obvious since my book is about a psychic) and I always thought it would be fantastic to possess the ability to predict the future.


  1. Oh I forgot about Lizzie from Queen of Babble! Really, just any Meg Cabot books. I love Meg! Great list :)

  2. Ohhh nice picks, Heather! I so agree with Kaitlyn. (: Awesome~

  3. Princess Diaries has gotten a few votes from bloggers today.

  4. Becky and Mia are great choices!! I also have Cassie! Nice picks!

    My TTT

  5. Haven't read any of those. LOL. Sure they're all great picks, though! :D

  6. Great list! I had America Singer on my list as well. :) The Selection is my favorite book of 2012 so far. I can't wait for the sequel. I really need to check out the Dark Visions series. I love L.J. Smith's Vampire Diaries book series.

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  7. Sweet!! I may have to try this someday. Stepping into someone else's shoes for a day is always an interesting twist on my imagination. WRITE ON!
