Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top Ten Books I Can't Believe I've Never Read

For Top Ten Tueday over at the Broke and the Bookish, it's a freebie week. I looked back over the past topics and decided to choose books that I'm surprised I never got around to reading. Here are the top books that I usually just end up smiling and nodding when friends are discussing:

Harry Potter series by JK Rowling-I feel like a bad reader every time I hear someone mention these books. This is one of the rare occasions where I've seen the movies, but haven't read the novels. For some reason I can't get into epic novels, but enjoy the movies/TV shows.

One Day by David Nicholls-I remember all of the hub-bub when this acclaimed novel came out. I actually have a very good reason for not reading it. I stumbled upon a spoiler that revealed the ending and couldn't bring myself to read it after that.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett-I actually do have plans to eventually read this book and will not watch the movie until I do so.

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro-This book's description sounds super cool, I'm shocked at how long I have let it languish on my TBR list.

Marley and Me by John Grogan-The thought of even reading this book makes me tear up, so I doubt I'll be able to even start it.

The Shack by W. Paul Young-I had really wanted to check out this novel, but mixed reviews kind of put me off.

Then Came You by Jennifer Weiner-I usually like her books, but I'm not typically a fan of stories told from multiple POVs without any initial relevance to one another.

House Rules by Jodi Picoult-I went through an obsessive period where I read a huge number of Jodi Picoult books. Not sure why I haven't gotten to her latest releases.

Black Dawn by Rachel Caine-I'm resistant to Kindle ebooks over the price of $10, so I think I'm just going to wait until a price drop for the latest Morganville Vampires release.  

Crossed by Ally Condie-I really enjoyed the first Matched book, but I kind of forget what happened. I might re-read it before picking up the sequel.


  1. Great list! I've been meaning to read some of these as well. It's amazing the books you want to read and just don't seem to get to.

    Here's mine

    ~Danica Page
    P.S. If you stop by be sure to check out my giveaway for any book under $15.

    Also, I loved First Visions. Great work.

  2. On and on they railed against me until I finally gave in and read the entire Harry Potter series.

    I refuse to give in to those who plead with me about The Shack or John Grisham or Jodi Picoult. Not my cuppa tea.

    Here's my
    Top Ten Books on Happiness.
    It would make me so happy if you stop by!

  3. If you were German I'd say listen to Rufus Beck reading the stories for you. He has the awesomest voice ever when he reads the HP novels. I'm not an epic reader either, but I never thought that the HP series was epic.. :/ As for the rest of your list.. Same here. There are dozens of novels I should have already read, like everything by Jane Austen. XD

    Patricia // My Post

  4. The only Jodi Picoult book I've read is House Rules. It dragged on far too long for me and I found myself bored and wishing it would end soon. I abandoned it about halfway through. There are some on your list I've never heard of, I may have to check them out :) WRITE ON!
