Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Book Blog Hops Post-August 24, 2012

Happy Friday all! Today I’m not participating in only one Friday Hop, but three! I stumbled across a couple of other book hops and you know how I love trying new book memes. New and old followers are invited to enter my Books of Summer Giveaway. Win one of the amazing novels I’ve read this summer.


To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say "hi" in your comments and that they are now following you.
  5. If you are using WordPress or another CMS that doesn't have GFC (Google Friends Connect) state in your posts how you would like to be followed
  6. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  7. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
  8. If you're new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!

Q: Worst cover? What is the worst cover of a book that you've read and loved?

I guess I would have to say Helper 12 by Jack Blaine. This is one of the better YA novels I read when I went through a major dystopian book phase (who didn't after the Hunger Games?). The story had a little bit of mystery, forbidden romance and suspense. However, the cover is sort of blah for me.


The  TGIF at GReads poses a blogger question and asks you to summarize the posts for the weeks.

This Friday's Question:

Back to School Reading: Which books would you like to see 
in today's high school Literature classrooms? 

Although I am a fan of classic literature, it would be interesting to see a few current novels in schools. A couple of picks off the top of my head would include The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon, The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson, Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry and the Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

My Blog Posts:
New Revelations: Second Sight Book Two Cover Reveal
Top Ten Books I've Read During the Lifetime of My Blog
Review: Onyx by Jennifer Armentrout
Paid Book Promotions: What Works and What Doesn't  

Book Blogger Hop

What to Do:
1. Post on your blog answering this question:
Blogging Question: What is your favorite thing about blogging?
2. Enter the link to your post in the linky list below (enter your Blog Name, Genre you review, and direct link to your post answering this week’s question; failure to do so will result in removal of your link).
3. Visit other blogs in the list, spending quality time getting to know the people you are visiting. Don’t just visit the post with the question, but click around and read some of the blogger’s other content, too! This Hop isn’t about the number of people you can visit, but the quality of each visit. Readers – find a new blog to read by clicking through the links in the list!
Blogger Question:
What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I started blogging initially to promote my book, but it soon became much more than that. I found I really loved talking about books with other passionate readers. It also became a platform to share writing tips and also discuss the process of publishing and marketing a book. The blogger community is a great place to meet other writers and readers and form lasting virtual friendships.



  1. the book sounds interesting but i agree about the cover.

  2. I agree....the blogging community is amazing. Great people and great books.

    I also love the creativity on blogs. Stop by to read my entire post if you like.

    Happy Friday!!


    Silver's Reviews

  3. For me, I started off to document my thoughts of books but I can't help by immerse myself in the bookish love shared by everyone in the blogging community! The interactions between different people has also taught me many valuable lessons, love your answer! Happy Friday :)

    I'm now a proud new follower of your blog, do drop by mine @ too!


  4. Yeah, that is a pretty simple cover. It could have easily been better for what the story was about.

    New follower via GFC

  5. The cover is not very creative and it's too simple. Old Follower.

    Sydney @ Starry Storm

  6. haha that cover looks like it was done in photoshop or something. It definitely needs help! Hope you have a great weekend :)

    Here's my FF!

  7. GFC follower

    My FF -

  8. Awesome! I love your response, especially for The Book Blogger Hop. I will have to check out your book!

    Here's my Friday Hops.

    I'm a new follower :D

  9. I agree! to doesn't have that BAM which it would be nice to have!:D

    Old follower!:)

  10. That cover is just... yeah.. xD lol
    I'm a new follower via GFC (I'm under ele05gs), please follow back if you can.
    My FF

  11. The cover's not that awful. But it would't attract me to read the book, which is bad since I have come across a few books with fabulous book covers but I regretted reading them.
    Check out mine

    New follower,
    Kero @ Kero's Book Blog

  12. Yeah, that cover is a little too plain for my tastes.

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  13. I love visiting bookie bloggers also, I have found many new books and authors just by visiting and reading reviews of other bookies.

  14. new follower through GFC as lucyatmax/no pic. I can be found and followed at: .
    Nice meeting you today and I look forward to following your blog!

  15. Totally agree. It's amazing how much we can learn from each other about reading, writing, publishing and just life in general.

    Glad to have found you via the Hop!
