Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Top Ten Book Romances That You Think Would Make It In The Real World

On the weekly meme for the Broke and the Bookish, the question is what book couples do you think would make it in real life. Kind of lame, but I only came up with eight couples! What’s that say about the type of books I’m reading? New and old visitors, please stop by my giveaway to win one of the book I’ve read this summer.

Chloe and Derek from the Darkest Powers Series by Kelley Armstrong-I don’t know if it is because I just finished this series not too long ago, but the romantic in me imagines these two being together for the rest of their lives.

Noah and Echo from Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry-Everything about this high school romance felt realistic. It was easy to imagine these two continuing to heal and love each other.

Lizzie and Chaz from Queen of Babble Series by Meg Cabot-If Lizzie stayed with Luke, I would never see it working in real life. They are far too different and their romance always seemed more of a fling. Chaz gets Lizzie and can make her laugh which makes them a perfect match.

Daemon and Katie from Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout-I don’t know why I see this alien/human couple working in real life, but I just do. Their protectiveness of each other makes me imagine they would last.

Heather and Cooper from the Size 12 Is Not Fat Series by Meg Cabot-Another Cabot pick. I just feel she has a real talent for portraying normal couples that would last once the initial attraction passed.

Portia and Ian from Ex and the Single Girl by Lani Diane Rich-This couple doesn’t have an over the top happily ever after moment at the end. Rich instead writes a practical ending filled with plenty of potential.

Bridget and Darcy from Bridget Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding-Could anyone ever really imagine Bridget and Daniel ever really making it? Bridget and Darcy’s opposite personalities balance each other out.

Becky Bloomwood and Luke Brandon from the Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella-I love this couple so much that I would be devastated if they didn’t make it in real life.


  1. I love this list - Noah and Echo featured on my list too! I also agree with Bridger and Daniel being a pretty sucky couple all things considered - Darcy is definitely better for her!

    My TTT this week

  2. I debated adding Noah and Echo to my list, but I changed my mind. I just wasn't sure, maybe I'm too cynical... haha.

    Still, great top ten. I couldn't get past the first book of Confessions of a Shopaholic, but I loved the film, so I can see those two working!

    My TTT

    Livvy @Nerdy Book Reviews

  3. Bridget and Mark are such a great couple! I could definitely see them making it. Nice list!

  4. I'm so glad that you included Noah and Echo on your list! They're a new favorite of mine. :D

    My Top Ten

  5. Bridget and Mark made my list! But I forgot about Becky Bloomwood! She'd be ace!

  6. Awesome picks! I didn't even think of putting Chloe & Derek on my list. I really need to pick up a copy of Obsidian. It sounds absolutely awesome!
