Monday, October 29, 2012

New Revelations: Second Sight Book Two Soundtrack

Today I'm presenting the soundtrack to New Revelations: Second Sight Book Two. I'll include a couple of notes on a few of the songs that won't give away any spoilers. Readers of the book will definitely know the meaning behind the rest.

Home by Philip Philips-This would be the theme song for New Revelations. Not only do I love the song, but I adore the lyrics. I think they apply to Kate and her journey in the second novel.

Diamonds by Rihanna-This song reminds me of Jared and Kate's relationship at the start of the book.

Got You (Where I Want You) by The Flys-I couldn't pick a better song to represent Declan. Every time, he was in a scene with Kate this song would play in my head.

I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons-A beautiful song by this AMAZING band. Another one that reminds me of Kate and Jared.

Falling Slowly from the Once Soundtrack

Run by Snow Patrol-This song always makes me feel sad after hearing it. It would play during what I consider one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the novel.

Mr. Brightside by The Killers

Enjoy the Silence by Lacuna Coil

Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap


  1. I adore many of those songs. I couldn't even choose a soundtrack for any of my books. Well done! WRITE ON!
