Monday, August 19, 2013

Review: Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover

Goodreads Summary:In the follow-up to Colleen Hoover’s #1 New York Times bestseller Hopeless, the charming and irresistible Dean Holder tells the passionate story that has melted thousands of hearts.

In Hopeless, Sky left no secret unearthed, no feeling unshared, and no memory forgotten, but Holder’s past remained a mystery.

Still haunted by the little girl he let walk away, Holder has spent his entire life searching for her in an attempt to finally rid himself of the crushing guilt he has felt for years. But he could not have anticipated that the moment they reconnect, even greater remorse would overwhelm him…

Sometimes in life, if we wish to move forward, we must first dig deep into our past and make amends. In Losing Hope, bestselling author Colleen Hoover reveals what was going on inside Holder’s head during all those hopeless moments—and whether he can gain the peace he desperately needs.

Publication Date: July 8, 2013

Total book hangover after this one! As much as I thought I was over alternate POV books, Holder was able to suck me in and force me to pull an all-nighter to finish this amazing book.

I have a bad track record when it comes to books with a lot of hype. It was the reason I held off from reading Hopeless for a long time. Once I did finally read it, I loved the story and fell in love with the characters. The reason I held off from reading Losing Hope was I thought it would be boring. I already know the story between Sky and Holder and didn’t see what else could be gained by reading his POV.

Not only was Losing Hope far from boring, it had me in tears more than once. There are so many heartbreaking moments in Holder’s story and his painful losses were difficult to read about. The book wasn’t a total downer and had plenty of sweet and funny moments.

I didn’t know it was possible to fall in love with Holder more than I already am, but the book changed my mind. He’s protective, fiercely loyal and amazingly eloquent at expressing his emotions. Actually, a few times, his inner monologue made me question the believability of a male character thinking in this way. But it is a romance, so I like the fantasy that a guy like Holder actually exists.

The plot certainly enhanced Hopeless. Although the bulk of the novel takes place during the same time frame as Hopeless, the beginning gives readers more insight into Holder’s life before he saw Sky in the convenience store and their lives after the events of Hopeless.

If you haven’t read this series, then you must pick them up NOW! I don’t know if Losing Hope totally works as a standalone, so I’d suggest reading Hopeless first.

Rating: 5/5 Stars

Thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book for review!


  1. Great review Heather! I agree, Losing Hope is a lot more than 'just' a different POV. And it was so heartbreaking to read about all the heartache Holder went through.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  2. Really like the sound of Holden and need to read the first immediately

  3. I tend to avoid hype-books as well. But this one sounds intriguing... The fact that you gave it 5 out of 5 stars doesn't hurt the "I want to read that" factor, either! LOL! Thanks for sharing your review. Nicely done. WRITE ON!
